Well, despite that little storm that cooled things down for the weekend, we didn't let that slow us down.
My friend had a friend come down from the Orem area. We all had GPS units so what was in store? Geocaching of course. We loaded a couple of stashes to find and headed out.
My friend had always wanted to go for one called Sand Mountain overlook. It was in a spot that either you walk for 4 miles or take four wheelers. You don't want to take a vehicle in. You may be able to take a Jeep but that is about as much as you want to do. We loaded up the four wheelers and headed it out.
It was a NICE day. We were out in rocks, cliffs, sand dunes and sage brush. There were spots that where so tricky that we had to have one girl manage the four wheeler while both guys made sure to keep it stable. It was a total blast.
We spent the whole afternoon out on the desert and I am now feeling the sun burn on my face. It was well worth the day and it was a great way to blow off some steam.
I am thinking tonight will be a nice night to go out and camp under the stars.
I am ever grateful to live in an area that I have those options and to continue to have them throughout the year. Catch y'all later. :)