Looking back over Christmas I have been thinking of what was the best part for me. I am not one for Christmas anymore. It is a nice day and I respect what we are celebrating during the day but it has changed since I was a kid.
Having said that, the best part of Christmas is the fact I was able to spend it with my Grandparents. They are getting along in years and there is no guarantees that they will be around next year but I was able to sit with them and open presents with them. It was a most comforting feeling then to have cousins come over and have the Christmas meal with them was wonderful.
Another blessing was the fact that with a friend, we were able to fix the lighting in my grandparents house and also the lighting in their condo up at Elk Meadows. The gift of being able to help them with that was a feeling that I won't soon forget. My friend felt the same way. We did have a blast going up to Elk Meadows. He tried using an inner tube that was designed for water and being in a pool. That lasted one run and popped. It was hilarious. We were able to watch the Redskins/Vikings game on TV(way to go 'skins) then watch "Just Friends". I feel like this has been one of the best Christmases I have had in a long time and I will treasure this for some time to come.