Sunday, January 07, 2007

Remember me?

I know it has been awhile since I did anything with this site. I need to get things caught up.
The month of December was a hard one. It felt like the whole family was in a yo-yo. My grandmother ended up getting some kind of virus and got real sick. She kept telling everybody that she was ok but for a whole week, she could keep anything down. Finally my aunt basically said either you go to the hospital or we call an ambulance. My grandma relented and went.
Since that time she has been in the hospital and still is there. There was fluid filling up around her lungs that they had to drain twice and then try to get nutrients to her cause she couldn't keep anything down. It was a daily thing and still is. One day she was doing well then another she wasn't. Friday, she was going to be released in a couple of day to a rehab center only to see that Saturday she was in the ICU. They say she is doing better and hopefully she will get into rehab and get better. I can only keep my fingers crossed.
The major issue we have now is that when we ask her how she is feeling, we hope that she is truthful. She kept saying she was fine because that is what we all wanted to her. Of course we want to hear that but we want it to be the truth. If she is feeling bad, we need to hear that too.
During Christmas, I was going to head up north to celebrate Christmas with my parents and my sister and her family. The Friday before Christmas, I came down with another round of stomach flu. That pretty much nixed any plans to go anywhere. I spent Christmas playing video games while trying to recover. My mom and sister felt bad but they realized it was better I didn't try to attempt the trip even if I wasn't driving.
Anyway, once again it was a trying December.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very long December for you. Glad you're back and blogging.

ADDollhouse said...

Wow. What an un-fun Christmas! I hope things improve.

Unknown said...

I hope so too. I still feel like I am about to throw up or fall over. Whichever comes first.

Laurie said...

Ah, Glen! What a rough month!! Maybe your own body shut down after being so stressed over your grandmother all month.

Rest up!! ... and *hugs* to you.

Unknown said...

Laurie, I think you have a very valid point. I appreciate your input.